Project Survival 101: How to Combat the Top 5 Causes of Project Failure
Introduction Every year, organizations around the world initiate numerous projects, yet a significant number of these endeavors fail to meet their objectives or are abandoned altogether. These project failures result in wasted resources, missed opportunities, and in some cases, severe financial losses.
Business Agility 101: Going Agile as a Small Business
Agile methodologies or business agility: what software developers have adapted all over the world is now making its way into business management. What is agile business, and how can you become truly agile?
How Flexible Hours Empower Your Small Business
Did you know that a whooping 96% of white-collar professionals – basically all of those poor souls stuck in an office all day – say they would benefit from a flexible workday?
Powerful Attendance Time Management: Manage Flex Time, Leaves and Breaks
Flex Time, vacation days and all kinds of leave type: Is your time tracker as flexible as your business? Gone are the days of the 9-to-5 office job. Smart businesses empower their teams with flexible schedules, remote work and cleverly managed projects.
How To Survive As a Digital Nomad – 5 Well-Kept Secrets Unveiled
From remote teams to solo freelancers traveling the globe as digital nomads: At a time when you can run whole businesses from the cloud, there are many location independent work models – and more of them are emerging.
Do You Really Need a Time Tracker? Take The Quiz
It’s 2018. The 9-to-5 office day is long gone. People work remote, with flexible hours, teams are dispersed all over the globe. Whole businesses are being run from the cloud. So, you may ask, do you really need to track your time?
5 Things You Should Know About Bookkeeping in The Cloud
Have you sent your bookkeeping up to the cloud yet? No? But you know it’s time, right? Bookkeeping in the cloud is more than a current trend. It is the future of accounting for small businesses and larger enterprises alike.
Will Flexible Hours Really Make Your Team More Productive? 5 Myths around Alternative Work Arrangements
Are you running a remote team? Do your employees work from home? Or are you a firm believer in the 9-to-5 office day? No matter what arrangement you use: If you are running a business, team productivity is of major concern.
Robots, Artificial Intelligence – and Your Business
Self-driving cars and robo-cleaners are no longer a thing of the distant future. Robots, automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are going to change the way we live – and work.
Team Management in the Age of the Cloud
Are you ready for team management of the future? Today’s teams work different than just ten years ago. International teams, remote work, flexible hours and a soaring number of freelancers: Do you have what it takes to manage today’s teams?
6 Features Any Smart Timesheet App Needs. Does Yours Have Them?
A smart timesheet app is not just about tracking your hours. It is about helping you and your team to work more efficiently. About making the best of the time we are working – and creating a better work-life balance.
You Need Customer Love! Customer Experience Management in 3 Steps
CX, CEM or Customer Experience Management: Customer Experience matters more than ever. But what to do if your marketing means are limited? If you can’t afford to hire a CX designer?
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