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Powerful Attendance Time Management: Manage Flex Time, Leaves and Breaks

Flex Time, vacation days and all kinds of leave type: Is your time tracker as flexible as your business?

Gone are the days of the 9-to-5 office job. Smart businesses empower their teams with flexible schedules, remote work and cleverly managed projects. Their reward? Soaring business performance and reliable and focused employees. The downside? It’s harder to keep track of those working hours. When Janet is working off-site, Rajid is taking care of his baby daughter while working from home, and Sebastian is coding from the other side of the planet, business time management might get tough.

Not so for zistemo users. Our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to get the most out of your business’ time. Like our brand new attendance time management features. Read on and get strong!

The Power of Flex Time

Family-friendly business, father with baby

Jerry is a night owl and works best from 11 am to 9 pm. Samantha uses her Yoga class at 10 am to be as creative as she needs to be, and James has to get his kid from school by 4 pm: more and more businesses are embracing Flex Time to boost their employees’ performance. Basically, Flex Time consists of a core working time – previously defined periods when general attendance is required (for example from 11 am to 4 pm), and flexible hours before and after core time. So Jerry can come in when he wants to, Samantha will be relaxed and happy and James can be the father he wants to be. All the while, your business is soaring.

Flex Time Management Made Easy

With zistemo, you create your own Flex Time model that bests suits you and your team. Define your core times, or even use none – and if employees need a replacement to keep the operations running, you can set up those hours too. Now you can create weekly working plans, manage multiple attendance time templates for different Departments or create escalation rules to keep those flexible hours under control.

Flex time model

Choose the Flex Time model that works best for you.

Public Holidays, Leaves and Vacations

Mandatory holidays, vacation time and all kinds of leave: from paid sick leave, unpaid vacation days or external training, you can manage it all within seconds. zistemo lets you define periods when taking a day off is mandatory, during those slow summer days or around Christmas, for example. Create different leave types, and manage paid or unpaid leaves without chaos. Use the Department Calendar to see whose vacations and leaves have been approved – and whose didn’t. Keep track of national or regional public holidays, and manage and adapt meal break rules to your country’s government rules.

Use the Department Monitor to keep track of vacations and leaves

Use the Department Monitor to keep track of vacations and leaves.

And what’s your company’s vacation policy? Define your vacation rules, rollover allowances and approval process. Now all your employees are able to plan and submit vacations by using their own vacation calendar.

Once you’re set up and working, the whole team knows who is doing what, where and when thanks to the Live Team Tracker. That’s zistemo Flex Time Management for you!


Sounds all too good to be true? See for yourself. Empower your business with top-notch attendance time management – try us today. No strings attached. Really.

Business Management Features Small Business The Future of Work Time Tracking

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