Team time tracking

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Master Kanban Project Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Kanban project management methodology is a visual method of working with teams, providing an innovative way to improve collaboration and ensure successful delivery of projects. It has grown in popularity due to its history within lean manufacturing and now various industries benefit from it every day.

Projects Business Management

Project Survival 101: How to Combat the Top 5 Causes of Project Failure

Introduction Every year, organizations around the world initiate numerous projects, yet a significant number of these endeavors fail to meet their objectives or are abandoned altogether. These project failures result in wasted resources, missed opportunities, and in some cases, severe financial losses.

Business Management Projects The Future of Work

Business Agility 101: Going Agile as a Small Business

Agile methodologies or business agility: what software developers have adapted all over the world is now making its way into business management. What is agile business, and how can you become truly agile?

Business Management Small Business The Future of Work

How Flexible Hours Empower Your Small Business

Did you know that a whooping 96% of white-collar professionals – basically all of those poor souls stuck in an office all day – say they would benefit from a flexible workday?

Business Management Flex Time The Future of Work Time Tracking Work and Family

Powerful Attendance Time Management: Manage Flex Time, Leaves and Breaks

Flex Time, vacation days and all kinds of leave type: Is your time tracker as flexible as your business? Gone are the days of the 9-to-5 office job. Smart businesses empower their teams with flexible schedules, remote work and cleverly managed projects.

Business Management Features Small Business The Future of Work Time Tracking

4 Tips on Project Time Management to Make Time Go Further

Time is a limited resource of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year and there never seems to be enough of it in the business day!

Business Management Projects Tax Time Tracking

6 Benefits of a Good Time and Attendance System

If you are a business manager, you need to consider time and attendance system as an essential part of the workforce management. It is beneficial for the employers because of improved time recording.

Business Management Small Business Tax Time Tracking

The Perfect Pricing Strategy for Small Businesses and Freelancers

The bad new first: there is no magic formula for the perfect pricing strategy – your business is unique, and your pricing strategy will have to be, too. The good news: there are common mistakes you can avoid.

Business Management Marketing Small Business

Freelancers and Business Owners: Want To Get Financially Stable? Use Retainer Fees!

Retainers, retainer fee or retainer agreement: Financial stability is of ongoing concern for many – especially small business owners, freelancers and entrepreneurs. Read on and learn how using retainers could be the cure for your money worries.

Business Management Freelancer Invoice & Estimate Tax

5 Things You Should Know About Bookkeeping in The Cloud

Have you sent your bookkeeping up to the cloud yet? No? But you know it’s time, right? Bookkeeping in the cloud is more than a current trend. It is the future of accounting for small businesses and larger enterprises alike.

Business Management Expenses Invoice & Estimate Privacy & Security The Future of Work

The Email Newsletter is Dead... Or Is It? 7 Facts About Email Marketing – and 1 Bonus Fact

Many an email marketer has proclaimed The Death of the Email Newsletter in the past – and just as many say it is very much alive. Now, who’s right? Let’s check the facts.

Business Management Marketing Small Business

Working the Extra Mile: Managing Overtime and Extra Hours

You need to meet a deadline, your boss requires you to finish a task tonight, or you have to pull a double shift to help out a sick teammate: sometimes you just have to work the extra mile.

Business Management Freelancer Small Business Tax Time Tracking Work and Family

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