Work Smarter – Not Harder

Track Your Business Expenses With The Best Expenses App

You’re looking for the best expenses app for your Android phone or iPhone? It’s your lucky day! We can totally recommend you one. Granted, we might seem a bit biased. But who isn’t, these days?

What Is Really The Best Expenses App?

The best expenses app should not only capture your expenses. It should save you time, money – and lots of energy. But how will you know which one will really do that?

The best expenses app should save you time, money and lots of energy. (Photo by |

The best expenses app should save you time, money and lots of energy. Photo by |

With trashy content marketing, fake news and all that sh**t (excuse my language) that’s happening on the Internet (and in the world), honesty has become a rare good. Indeed, it’s become pretty hard to tell whether you’re reading some paid marketing post or a real, heart-felt piece of advice. Believe me, I feel you.

But let me tell you this: We at zistemo value our readers. Yes, you: we actually do value YOU. And we value our product – otherwise we would not keep pouring our heart and soul into it. Freelancer, Start-Up, Small Business, Large Enterprise, whatever it is you are in business for: we want you to get ahead. That’s why we give our best, each and every day, to create the smartest expenses software. For you.

How Expense Tracking Apps Work

How does digital expense tracking work? The process is pretty simple: You get a receipt, grab your phone, take a picture, upload it, and – you’re done. Except, you’re not.

Using an online expense tracking app is pretty simple…

Using an online expense tracking app is pretty simple… except it’s not…

You don’t want a digital replica of the good old expenses shoebox, do you? To keep your digital books as smart and professional as you are, you need to organize your data - or digital chaos will follow.

How To Organize Your Expenses

Have no fear: we have made it easy to organize your digital receipts. Using our online expense tracker, you automatically assign your receipt to a tax-friendly category and, if you want, to a task, a project or a client. This one simple step will make life so much easier for you (and your accountant)! Because now you can automatically add an expense to an invoice, create professional tax reports and monitor your expenses at all times – live, from any device. That’s what we call smart accounting.

Team Travel Expense Tracker

But wait! The smartness does not stop there. As much as we love freelancers and solopreneurs, we at zistemo are real team players. If you’re familiar with our infamous Team Time Tracker, it might not be a surprise for you that we have created the perfect expense tracker to work for teams of all sizes. Bérnard in Paris, Marco on the Seychelles and Emma in New York can all track their expenses on the go. And you, in turn, can track them live online, from your laptop, your tablet or your phone. From Paris, New York or wherever you are.

Bérnard in Paris

Bérnard in Paris, Marco on the Seychelles and Emma in New York can track their travel expenses on the go. Photo by Maridav |

Know Your Cash Flow!

To run a profitable business, more money needs to come in than going out, right? Duh. But did you know that your cash flow can be positive, while over-all profitability is negative? Actually, that’s not that uncommon. Say you’ve recently replaced your business cars with bicycles, in a move to make your staff fitter, the environment better and lower your over all costs. You’ve probably sold your cars, hopefully for a good price. This might make your cash flow soar – but not give an overall picture of how healthy your business really is. That’s why clever business people know their cash flow at all times: Thanks to our smart reporting tools, you are always up to date on all of your earnings and spendings.

Expense Report and Business Intelligence

As I’ve said, we want you to get ahead. That’s why the zistemo expense tracker app comes with automated expense reports and professional tools for business intelligence. Keep track of your numbers and grasp them quickly with neat graphs and visualizations. Knowing where your cash goes will help you to make better business decisions – and impress investors as well as clients.

Expense tracking app with smart reporting tools

Get on top of your Budget with smart reporting tools…

Pretty clever, if I may say so myself. Or did I promise too much? What in your opinion is the best expense tracking app? Let us know!

And if you haven’t already: give us a try. Like, right now. It’s free!

But wait! Guess what? We don’t stop there! You miss a feature during your trials? Give us a shout, and we’ll make it happen. Because, remember, we value you. We honestly do.



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One tool, everything under control

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