Work Smarter – Not Harder

It’s Tax Time! Filing Taxes the Easy Way

Does tax time make you want to hide? Not anymore. This year will be different: No headaches, no hassle. Instead, you’re totally relaxed. A dream? No. With zistemo filing taxes really is that easy – an online visit from the tax advisor included. Listen up, freelancers and startup teams, entrepreneurs and business owners! Because we have the solution for all of you.

Filing Taxes for Freelancers

There’s almost nothing a freelancer fears more than filing taxes. Especially for the freshly freelanced people out there, the annual tax bill can be a shock - and more often than not is a financial disaster. The tax bill has to be paid – but it is the one bill that has to be earned as well. Earned really, really hard. Why? Because freelancers have to do all the paperwork, prepare all the receipts and know all their numbers by themselves. Luckily there is zistemo. All relevant data are accessible on the zistemo dashboard – and with a simple click they can be exported into excel or other useful formats. All the receipts are where they should be, digitized and organized – and if not, don’t you worry: There are some neat receipt scanning apps out there to help you - all in synch with zistemo, of course.

Filing taxes for small business owners

Many a small business has been killed by the tax man (or the tax woman, for that matter). The business might be doing ok, running its course and slowly but steadily growing – right until the taxes are due. This is why it is especially important to keep your eye on taxes all the time. Not an easy task if you’re an entrepreneur owing a small but growing business, using every precious second of your time on the many tasks and duties of being your own boss – plus being responsible for the jobs of whole teams. Again: Nothing to fear with zistemo. Even your team expenses are neatly organized, perfectly arranged and readily exportable on the dashboard. Don’t worry about chasing up those receipts, because each team member has scanned and uploaded them to the right bill already. You work in different countries? No problem. zistemo knows all the currencies out there and has already converted them in real-time to your ‘home’ currency.

Online Tax Advisor

The best advise on filing taxes? Hire professional tax advisors – and invite them over to zistemo. With a few clicks, you can create a special online account for your tax advisor. And believe me, your tax people will be impressed with you and your perfectly organized data. But beware: They might not be happy, exactly, because they can’t charge you as much. Your taxes are THAT easy to file. You’ll actually be saving money simply by being organized. And guess what: there is more. Because zistemo can help you to calculate your taxes - now and tommorrow.

Calculate taxes

Did you know that paying a tax bill induces bodily pain? It’s true: paying a bill sends similar signals to our neuronal system as being slapped in the face. But any boxer knows that pain is experienced less strongly if it has been anticipated. In other words: it hurts less if you know you’ll be slapped in the face, because you’ll be able to brace yourself. Since taxes are one of the very few thing in life that can be counted on, it’s best to brace yourself. And that’s where our Business Intelligence features come in: from all the data you’re assembling in zistemo every day you can easily visualize trends and developments. Which makes it easy to predict your taxable income – which then again can be used to calculate this year’s taxes. And next year’s. And the year after that. Ease the tax pain, brace yourself, and it won’t hurt you anymore.

Sincerely, zistemo

Features Tax

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