Pay-What-You-Want: Pricing Risk or Fair Price Guarantee?

Finding the right pricing strategy is crucial for any business – especially for small business owners and freelancers competing with much larger opponents. But what if there was a way out of your pricing worries?

Business Management The Future of Work

10 Very Good Reasons for Employee Time Tracking in the Cloud

Here’s the thing with employee time tracking: We all know we should do it. And many of us do. But most of us do it wrong, half-heartedly – or with the wrong reasons in mind.

Features Freelancer Small Business Time Tracking

How to create an invoice and get paid faster?

How To Create An Invoice & Make More Money Consistently Okay, so you’ve started your own business and you’re ready to start thriving. You’re ready to work hard, set your own prices and sell your service.

Invoice & Estimate Tips & Tricks

No email, total efficiency: 5 reasons to get rid of the inbox

How many emails arrive in your inbox each and every day? Far too many, I would say. According to a recent study, we’re spending 3.1 hours each day on business e-mail – and another 3.

Business Management The Future of Work

Live Time Tracking: Welcome to The Future of Work

Are you running a business? Congratulations! Do you have employees, run a team or work with freelancers? Good for you! Now tell me: Do you know who is working on what at any given moment in time?

Features Small Business The Future of Work Time Tracking

Learn to Prioritize with 5 Simple Questions

As an entrepreneur you sometimes have to make many decisions very quickly – and more often than not it feels like the emergencies are following one after the other. So who best to learn from than the emergency room?

Business Management Tips & Tricks

Pro Forma Invoice: Definition & Examples

Pro forma or proforma: whichever way you spell it, the questions remain the same: what exactly is a pro forma invoice? When and why is it needed? And how should it look?

Features Invoice & Estimate Invoices

Team Time Tracking 4.0: Simple, Secure & Smart

Team Time Tracking made easy: Track your hours on-the-go, assign them to projects, clients or tasks and turn them into invoices in a second. Sounds too good to be true? Try it!

Features Mobile App Small Business Time Tracking

The Best Invoice Payment Terms To Make Your Business Thrive!

Net 30, Upon Receipt or EOM? Today, I’m going to tell you all about payment terms, payment reminders – and how important it really is to choose the right ones. But first, let me start with a story.

Features Invoice & Estimate Invoices Tips & Tricks

Go International in 6 Simple Steps

Going global with your business has never been easier: The Internet has blurred geographical borders; the numbers of international teams are rising. And yet, many entrepreneurs fear stepping across borders. Why?

Business Management Features The Future of Work

There’s No Business Like Slow Business!

Business going slow? Not to worry! Because Slow is the new Fast. Yes, really. Especially in this crazy economy, where big companies are going down and start-ups popping up at every corner, Slow Business might be the exact thing that saves you.

Business Management Freelancer Small Business The Future of Work

Is a cloud-based CRM right for you? Take the quiz

Are you thinking about using a Customer Relationship Management system, also known as CRM? Maybe you are wondering which one you should use? Look no further. Answer 4 simple questions and you’ll know.

Clients Features Freelancer Small Business

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