Work Smarter – Not Harder

10 Very Good Reasons for Employee Time Tracking in the Cloud

Here’s the thing with employee time tracking: We all know we should do it. And many of us do. But most of us do it wrong, half-heartedly – or with the wrong reasons in mind. But that’s a shame!

Because smart employee time tracking (and by ‘smart’ I actually mean ‘cloud-based’) has nothing to do with big-brother-style office nightmares or some mean old factory time clock. Smart time tracking means more fairness, transparency and efficiency – for employers and employees alike. So, how to track employee time? Read on and learn.

How to Track Employee Time in the Cloud

What is cloud-based employee time tracking? And how is it different from any good old earthbound time tracking software? Cloud-based means that all data are stored at one and the same place: in the digital cloud, meaning servers set up somewhere entirely different than your business. In our case, the cloud actually means safe and secure server storage in Switzerland – but you can read more about that here. The advantages of having your time tracking data in the cloud are manifold. Or rather tenfold:

1. Accessibility

The cloud is accessible from anywhere at anytime with any device. This is obviously so much better than your time tracking software installed on your office desktop, which will be of no use if you are answering your e-mail from home. (If you’re still using e-mail, that is – but more about that here.) Using a cloud-based time tracker, your employees will be able to log in and start tracking from anywhere, wherever they are.

2. Accuracy

Cloud-based employee time tracking is more accurate than any other system. Your employees will be able to track not only hours and minutes but also every second of their precious working time. Because they are free to start tracking wherever they are, they will use the tracker more accurately. Now some of you business-owners might cringe, fearing a sudden tsunami-like wave of tracked time, expenses and over-time. But rest assured: accuracy is a good thing! To run a business sustainably, you need to know your numbers – and how much work your employees really do.

3. Efficiency

Using smart time tracking, your employees will start tracking the time they really spend working (as opposed to the time they are spending on Facebook at their 9-to-5 office desk). Cloud-based time tracking means efficient time tracking, and will lead to more motivation and efficiency at any workplace.

4. Transparency

Having your data at the same place, stored in the same system, means new levels of transparency. Why? Because you can make them visible in real-time in no time – at least if you are using a smart time tracker like zistemo. As employer you won’t have to wait until the time tracking reports arrives on your desk to know who’s been working how many hours. Instead, you’ll see who is working where, when at any given moment in time.

5. Data Integration

Here’s the other advantage of having all your business data stored in the same system: Data Integration. Smart time tracking in the cloud lets you link tracked time with projects, tasks and clients. Using the zistemo app, for example, you and your employees assign their time to a task, which is automatically linked to a project and/or a client. Which means you don’t only know who is working when, but on what. And, ultimately, on whose bill.

6. Live Team Time Tracking

Introducing Live Team Time Tracking, the best reason for using cloud-based time tracking software. Live Team Time Tracking is the direct result of smart data integration and accessibility, enabling you and your employees to work more closely than ever – even if your team spans over different continents. Using the Live Time Viewer, every team member can see what the others are doing. Which leads to more transparency and communication among team-members – and ultimately to more fairness.

7. Fairness at work

Transparency equals fairness. If everyone knows how much the others are spending on which task, team-members will treat each other with more respect – and the overall atmosphere will be much more friendly, fruitful and forthcoming.

8. Manage Work-Life Balance

Good employers know that managing a healthy work-life-balance is important for everyone. Using a smart time tracker will help to create a healthy environment. Give your employers the breaks they need, don’t let unpaid overtime be part of your business-plan – and don’t forget to maintain your own balance.

9. Business Performance Management

Time tracking is a crucial player in business performance management. Knowing your numbers might end with finances, but it starts with time. The time you need to give (and pay) your employees to do their work, the time you yourself use to run your business – and the time you gain by using smart time tracking instead of using tedious spreadsheets and software elements.

10. Cloud-based Employee Time Tracking = Business Intelligence

Total accuracy, 100% transparency, and data integration: Cloud-based time tracking is your ticket to business intelligence of the highest order. Not only are you able to trace every second tracked in your system; you can bill it immediately, too. You want to learn more? Read on how zistemo helps you with your KPI and Business Intelligence.

Don’t waste your time anymore! Start tracking now – for free!

Features Freelancer Small Business Time Tracking

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