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Tips for Creating a Killer Explainer Video

We think that explainer videos are a great way to engage with our customers and familiarize them with our business. Check out tips for creating killer explainer video.

The hard part is to get them right. Our aim was to create effective, professional videos that use simple visuals.

Since we had no experience with explainer video before it was essential to nail it the first time. The result you can check out HERE.

Below you can see our 8 insider tips for creating a killer explainer video that clearly describes your business and drives more sales.

1. It’s All About the Script

A well written script is the key to a successful explainer video. It’s the foundation upon which everything else is built. In most cases, it helps to have an “outsider” write the script. Choose someone who can take a fresh look at your company and explain it in a way that anyone can understand.

We came across a professional video producer who made us fill out a creative brief first. It helps you think about your business at a high level and makes you define what really matters. Make sure you go through a similar exercise before you get started. Once you finish this brainstorming process, begin writing a script. Refer to your creative brief when writing because it will help you stay on the right track.

2. The Shorter the Better

The less you say, the more likely people are to remember. We realized that we have a lot to tell people about your business, but this video is meant to be an overview, the “hook” that gets people interested in taking the next step.

The typical rule of thumb in the industry is 150 words per minute. You might be able to read faster than that; but remember, you need breathing room and time for the message to sink in. Not to mention, the longer your video is the less people will pay attention to it. Trying to keep yourself from telling everything about your product can be the hardest part. The trick is to cut your script down and be very concise.

3. KISS (Keep it Simple Silly)

In order to keep it short, you need to keep it simple. Good explainer videos focus on 4 simple things:

  • The problem – Address the pain your customers are having (0:00-0:20)
  • The solution – Introduce your product or service as the answer (0:20-0:25)
  • How it works – Briefly describe how it works or how to get started (0:25-0:50)
  • A call to action – Tell people what to do next (0:50-0:60)

4. Benefits, not Features

Whether you have a new product, app, or web service, the temptation is to try to show off as many features as possible – 100GB of storage, 60” HD screen, unlimited users, etc. The list goes on. However, it’s the benefits that really matter to customers.

Instead of droning on about technical nonsense, tell people how your product or service is going to make their lives better. Swap out “100GB of storage” for “Plenty of space to safely store your family photos.” You get the idea.

5.Use a Professional Voice

Nothing can ruin a video faster than poor audio. Or maybe the quality is fine, but the voice just doesn’t have the polish and delivery that a professional might provide. Either way, investing in professional talent is a must.

6.Have Some Fun

It’s important to develop a video that resonates with your audience. But we’ve found that regardless of who’s watching (CEOs, marketers, working moms, children), one thing is always true – people love to be entertained.

Adding something a little different to your video, whether it’s humor, a surprise, or something downright wacky, can go a long way. It gets people smiling and helps them connect with your brand in a way that a website can’t.

7.Visuals are Secondary

Like having a polished voiceover, professional looking visuals are important. However, they are not as important as you might think.

The key is using visuals that help illustrate the story and reinforce the voiceover. You’re not looking to create the next Avatar. In fact, too much detail and whizbang visual effects can distract from the message.

8.Plan for the Launch

A lot of people get so excited about creating a video that they forget to plan for the launch. A successful video launch consists of 3 things:

  • Select a video host – There are plenty of options out there when it comes to video hosting, but we suggest looking at Wistia, Vimeo PRO, Brightcove, or Vidyard.
  • Have a marketing plan – Let’s face it, your video probably isn’t going to go viral, but you can take some steps to get some extra eyes on it. Leverage your blog, newsletter, social media channels, e-mail signatures, and events to share your video.
  • Integrate the video on your website – Most companies like to put the video front and center on their homepage. Wherever you place it, it should integrate seamlessly with your brand and content.

If you’re considering jumping on the explainer video bandwagon this year, I hope these tips will help point you in the right direction. They can save you time and money; but, more importantly, they’ll help you produce a video that delivers real, measurable results.

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