Skilled Workers: Save time with Cloud Accounting
Craftsmen, manufacturers and mechanics: even the most hands-on skilled trades will benefit from digital invoicing and time tracking apps. Let’s take a tour through the smart zistemo process, and you will see how.
The Perfect Estimate
You have received request for quote – check how to create the perfect estimate and make sure you won’t underestimate the time needed to deliver services. We’ve all been there: A client has an interesting job for us – and he wants us to offer him an estimate.
The Perfect Invoice
Creating the perfect invoice is one of the factors which will help your company to stand out. Whether you have created thousands of them already or are working on your first invoice: Congratulations.
I am Moneypenny!
Moneypenny is blogging. If anyone had warned me ten years, no, ten days ago that I’d spend my spare time blogging, I’d laughed at them. Very politely, mind you. But still, laughed.
How to Estimate Time For Your Design Projects
Design projects can be challenging mostly due to many iterations they require. Read our how to article and find out how to estimate time for your design projects. How many times have you been completely confused at how that ‘small’ project turned into such a big one costing double and taking three times the length you estimated?
How to Invoice your Clients
Every freelancer’s least favourite part of running their own business. You’ve pitched, landed the job, delivered your work…and now it’s time to get your money. That’s exactly what we’re going to share with you in this post: how to invoice your clients for the work you do and how you can accept their payments with ease.
Why the Right Accounting Software Matters to Law Practices
There is no denying that accounting software is very convenient. Automating processes such as creating timesheets, generating invoices, and logging expenses helps your business operations to proceed much more efficiently.
How to assign invoice numbers
When it comes to assigning invoice numbers, life can seem like it is not all that straightforward. This is particularly true if you have multiple clients: do you have a separate invoice numbering system for each client?
One tool, everything under control
Boost employee satisfaction, productivity and loyalty. Work is no longer a place. Work is whenever your employees feel productive and give their best.
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