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The most important terms in time management

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What are assets?

Assets are anything available to meet commitments or offset debts and add financial value to a business or service. It may be money in the bank, investments, property or possessions.

Types of Assets

They can be categorised into short term or long term and are presented in balance sheet.

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Short Term or Current Assets

Generally speaking, they are expected to be used within a year.


  • cash and cash equivalents
  • outstanding invoices and short term debts
  • inventory stock
  • prepaid expenses

If it proves impossible to access a short-term asset, for example when a bill or debt isn’t paid the asset is recorded as written off.

Long Term or Fixed Assets

Some of your long-term assets, such as property, may be improved and increase in value while others will be subject to wear and tear which is recorded as depreciation.


  • Plant, machinery and office equipment
  • Buildings
  • Land
  • Fixtures and furniture
  • Software
  • Long-term investments such as stocks and bonds
  • Long term debts

Sometimes you may also have something called Intangible Assets. They do not have a physical presence but add value to your business and may include such things as trademarks, patents, logos, licences and customer goodwill.

Different accounting processes are used to measure these forms of assets although they are not always recorded. If, however, you have purchased an intangible asset such as a taxi licence or customer list or commissioned a company logo it will be recorded as adding value to your business.


Related words

Billing Software

What is billing software? You may be used to creating paper invoices to request payment or paying invoices by cheques in the mail. Online billing software does the receiving and payment work for you.

B Billing software Double Entry Bookkeeping


What is a Bill? A bill, also known as a bill of exchange, is an order that is used mainly in international trade. It obligates one party to pay a fixed amount of money to another party at a given date.



What is bookkeeping? Bookkeeping is simply the activity of keeping financial records of money that company owes and amounts owed to a company. Bookkeeping is the way individuals, businesses and non-profit organisations record and keep their financial records in an easily understood way.

B Bookkeeping Double Entry Bookkeeping

Double Entry Bookkeeping

What is double entry bookkeeping? Double entry bookkeeping is a system of accounting where every transaction is reflected in two accounts: credit and debit. There are always two columns for transactions - one for debit entries and one for credit entries.

Billing software Bookkeeping D Double Entry Bookkeeping

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