Recurring Budget on Projects

By default all budget methods are for the complete duration of a project. But sometimes it might be useful if a project has a recurring budget since you want to measure the tracked against a budget even on “never-ending” projects like service-contracts. You can think of recurring budgets, that the […]

Absence calendar as HR Admin

As an HR Admin you have access to all absence calendars of your company. You can see all vacations and absences in the user’s absence calendar. But you can’t see draft absences. However you can add other absences for the user and in case the are overlaps with draft absences, […]

Reporting Group

Reporting groups can be used if you want to search for group of users in the reporting that cannot be groups by zistemo user roles, teams etc. Therefore, you can create your own reporting groups to apply filters for them. Let’s say you are a functional manager and you want […]

XRechnung und ZUGFeRD (de)

Ab dem 01. Januar 2025 ist die E-Rechnung in Deutschland obligatorisch. Weitere Informationen hier Das ZUGFeRD-Format ist ein hybrides Datenformat, dass in einem PDF-Dokument (PDF/A-3) Rechnungsdaten im XML-Format strukturiert. Rechnungen im ZUGFeRD-Format erfüllen die Vorgabe der EN16931 und können als E-Rechnung verwendet werden. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen XRechnung, Factur-X […]

Vacation Log

You can review all changes made to the vacation of a user on the vacation log which you find on the user settings:   You will see there any changes to the vacation days of that user and when these changes was made.

Vacation Overview Report

On zistemo you can review the vacation of your team/company. Go to Reporting/Attendance Report/Vacation Overview This report shows which user has has how many days of vacation already taken, remaining, planing and pending for approval. This is an overview at the time you review the report.

Mark Task as Favorite

On the weekly timesheet you can mark tasks as favorite by clicking the star. Tasks that were marked as favorite will be copied automatically in the following weeks where you automatically enter your time records. Please note that favorite tasks are only in the weekly timesheet available

Timesheet Approval Report

On zistemo you can see on timesheet approval reports how many hours your staff has from the attendance hours and how many hours are unsubmitted, submitted and approved. As a reference you also see the attendance hours and the capacity. Also, Submitted times are shown as URL, so if you […]

Validate VAT Number

On zistemo you can validate the VAT number of your European clients. If you are on your client’s details settings you can validate the VAT number of your client. Please make sure that there aren’t any spaces in the ax number. After you entered the VAT number you can see […]

Productivity Chart Widget

On the dashboard you can review your productivity as a pie chart. Only account owner and admins can see this widget. You can see the project hours compared to the attendance time. You see how many hours are billable, non-billable and how many hours are not project related. So, the […]

Change Recurring Invoice Date

As an admin/account owner you can change the next invoice date of an active recurring invoice. Just go to your recurring invoices and click on the right hand side dropdown “Change next invoice date” Then, you can enter the new next invoice date for the invoice: After you changed the […]

Project Escalation Rules

If you want to set up notification for your projects if they are near the budget you can set up project escalation rules. Please note that the project must have a budget to use escalation rules. Let’s say you create a project escalation rule with a weekly sequence and day […]

User Timezone

It might be that your staff works in different timezones. So, that time entries won’t be splitted by midnight you can enter a timezone per user. Either you can do it for other users on the staff settings… … or for your own account on your profile   Everyone sees […]

Timesheet Approvals per Project

By default only admins can approve timesheets per week. But if needed you can also allow project managers to allow the timesheets from their projects. On this article we show you how to active it. You need to activate “Enable project managers to approve all of their project timesheets” on […]

Show QR Code (Swiss)

If your company is located in Switzerland you can activate to show the QR-Code on the invoice. To do so, go to preferences/invoices and estimates:   Once you activated it, the QR Code will be automatically added to your invoices. Following conditions have to be met to create QR codes: […]

Use Commissions for Projects

On zistemo you can use commissions for your projects. To activate it, you need to go to Settings/Preferences/Projects and activate “Use project commissions via API”: Then if you create a new project, you can apply commissions on it. You’ll find it on “More options”. You either can use commissions as […]