The Leitweg-ID is a German specific field that is need on invoices to public contract authorities. On the XML-data it’s buyer reference. To add a Leitweg-ID to your e-invoice/XML-invoice follow the steps below. Create a client custom field on settings/preferences with the name #Leitweg-ID. Make sure to name the field […]
Ordernumber On E-Invoice (XML)
If you want to add the ordernumber to your e-invoice/XML-invoice you can use project custom field or add the information directly on the invoice. Follow the steps below to add ordernumber from a project to your e-invoice. Ordernumber as Custom Field Create a project custom field on settings/preferences with […]
Import E-Invoice
From January 1, 2025, electronic invoicing will be mandatory for domestic B2B sales in Germany. Every company is obliged to be able to receive e-invoices. In zistemo, e-invoices can be imported and managed as output (incoming invoice). The supported file formats are ZUGFeRD FakturX XRechnung XML (according to EN16931) PDF […]
E-Rechnungen importieren (DE)
Ab dem 01.Januar 2025 gilt in Deutschland die E-Rechnungspflicht für innländische B2B-Umsätze. Jedes Unternehmen ist dazu verpflichtet E-Rechnungen empfangen zu können. In zistemo können E-Rechnungen als Ausgabe (Eingangsrechnung) importiert und verwaltet werden. Die unterstützen Datei-Formate sind: ZUGFeRD FacturX XRechnung XML (nach EN16931) PDF-Dokumente sind keine elektronischen Rechnungen und gelten ab […]
Project dashboard for team members
Project manager and project members see different information on a project’s dashboard. As a project member you’ll get information about number of your completed tasks number of you incomplete (open) tasks number of you overdue tasks amount of your total hours tracked to that project unread messages (mentions in comments) […]
Create Project with AI
On zistemo you can create a new project with artificial intelligence (AI). Just click on the plus sign next to the project menu point and click on “Create project via AI” Next, you need to specify your project. Enter the project name and the project description. The more precise you’ll […]
Billing contacts
On zistemo subscription settings you can add up to 3 additional email addresses to receive subscription information about: subscription invoices subscription cancelation subscription payment failures expired credit cards The additional billing contact will be in CC in such emails.
Mark project as favorite
To get on menu even faster to your projects you can mar them as favorite. Mark projects as favorite on menu When hoovering over a project on the menu you can mark it as favorite just by clicking on the star icon. After that you’ll see the project marked as […]
Inbox for task mentions
Any zistemo user can be mentioned on task comments. On My Tasks/Inbox you can see all comment where you was mentioned in descending order (latest to oldest). If there’re any unread mentions you’d see a red circle at the menu point “My Task” as well as the number of unread […]
Customer Support Access
We may need temporarily access to your account to diagnose and resolve a customer support issue you’ve raised. Our access automatically expires after 3 days. If you want to grant customer support access to your account we need to activate this function for you, so please contact us via the […]
Maximum hours for running timer
On zistemo you can set up that user’s timer stops after running a certain amount of hours. Minimum value is 5:00 hours, maximum value is 13:00 hours. If a timer is auto stopped the user will receive a notification via email.
My Tasks
Each user has a list with their tasks only so, yo can see all your tasks at one place. You can get easy to you tasks by going right on the main menu to My Tasks On “My Tasks” you see your tasks grouped by due date by default. […]
Mark timesheet manually as billed
To mark hours as billed they must be added to invoice. The best way is generate an invoice with zistemo’s invoice wizard which include unbilled timesheets autoamatically to your invoice. Learn here more about the invoice wizard ➜ However, there can be cases where you didn’t add those hours with […]
Adding sets to project
On zistemo you can create and manage sets that include several tasks and items. More here ➜ Those sets can be added to your project. Adding sets to a project If you want to add a set to a project you can do that on the project/items. If you click […]
Project assignment
By default, no person is assigned to a new project or a new task. However, you could change this on Settings/Preferences/Projects. Assign all users to a new project If you want that all users are assigned to a new project automatically just check-off “Do not assign automatically all users to […]
Mentoin project members on task comments
On zistemo you can write comments to project tasks. On those comments you could mentoin project members. To do so, you just need to write “@” and it promptly suggesting project members to mentoin. You could also continue writing the person’s name to limit the suggested user list according […]
Import projects from Trello
To import projects from Trello to zistemo please go to the Import section via your profile. As select “import projects” as import type and select “trello projects” as file format. After grant zistemo authorization to your Trello account you can select projects to be imported from Trello to zistemo. Further, […]
VAT rate change in Switzerland
From 1 January 2024, the following current VAT rates apply in Switzerland: Normal rate: 8,1 % Reduced rate: 2,6 % Special rate for accommodation: 3,8 % Reason for the increase in tax rates: In the vote of 25 September 2022, the amendment to the AHV Act and the federal decree […]