Password Expiration Policy

On zistemo you can set up that users need to change their password after a number of days. By default passwords never expire. If you want to set and password expiration rule for all users, go to Settings/Preferences/Password Expiration Policy and activate “Password expires after a number of days”. After […]

Set up SQL instances in Google Cloud SQL

This tutorial assumes that you have a Google Cloud account, so sign in to your Google Cloud account. Go to “SQL” and click “Create an instance” at the top of the page. Then choose MySQL. If you haven’t already, enable the Compute Engine API. This may take a minute. Enter […]

SQL Tutorial

Here you can find short lessons on how to create your own SQL queries to manage your data warehouse on zistemo. Learn more about the SQL Data Warehouse. We’re using the MySQL Workbench in the lessons. Customers and Invoices Learn how to create a custom query to get the customer […]

Manage Menu Points

On zistemo you can define an individual menu for each user role. Go to Preferences/Manage Menu and select the user role you want to customize the menu. Once you set up here the menu, for all users with that role the changes applies.

Mileage Gaps and Overlaps

General On zistemo we keep track on overlaps and gaps on zistemo. That means that you cannot create a mileage with a start and end mileage that are already existing. Example: Mileage 1: 400km – 600km Mileage 2: 450km – 550km Mileage 2 is not allowed to create because the […]

Create Projects in Trello

On zistemo you can sync projects from zistemo to Trello. This might be helpful if you e.g. create a project out of an estimate in zistemo but want to manage the project in Trello. To do so, please make sure that you have your Trello account connected to zistemo. Learn […]

Create Projects in Asana

On zistemo you can sync projects from zistemo to Asana. This might be helpful if you e.g. create a project out of an estimate in zistemo but want to manage the project in Asana. To do so, please make sure that you have your Asana account connected to zistemo. Learn […]

Create Time Entry via Mileage

On zistemo you can create a time entry while you create/edit a mileage record. Please make sure you read our article about mileages or at least you should be familiar with creating mileages before read this article. To add time entries via mileages, it must be attached to a project. […]

Void Invoice

In the Line End Menu you can void an invoice (mark as invalid) If you do, please note that the invoice will have no longer any connections to timesheets, expenses, mileages, items etc.) and it cannot be made undone. If you want to void an invoice you will see a […]

Different Bank Accounts on Invoice Footer

Some companies has separate bank accounts for different currencies. E.g. you have an account for EUR/€, another account for CHF and a third account for GBP/£. But on zistemo you only can add one bank account to the company profile – your main bank account. This bank account is taken […]

Balanced Invoice with Retainer

If you want to sent to your client a balanced invoice (amount due =  0) you can run through the following steps to do so: Of course you need to have a paid retainer and an invoice. Next, you need to pay the invoice with the retainer. Therefore, you need […]

Time Card Machine

With zistemo you can also use a time card machine for a more easy clock-in and clock-out. Further, you can also use it for a professional access control to your office/building. If you are interested using a time card machine either with access control or not please contact us and […]

Recurring Budget on Projects

By default all budget methods are for the complete duration of a project. But sometimes it might be useful if a project has a recurring budget since you want to measure the tracked against a budget even on “never-ending” projects like service-contracts. You can think of recurring budgets, that the […]

Absence calendar as HR Admin

As an HR Admin you have access to all absence calendars of your company. You can see all vacations and absences in the user’s absence calendar. But you can’t see draft absences. However you can add other absences for the user and in case the are overlaps with draft absences, […]

Reporting Group

Reporting groups can be used if you want to search for group of users in the reporting that cannot be groups by zistemo user roles, teams etc. Therefore, you can create your own reporting groups to apply filters for them. Let’s say you are a functional manager and you want […]

XRechnung und ZUGFeRD (de)

Ab 27. November 2020 besteht eine E-Rechnungs-Pflicht in Deutschland für Bundesbehörden. Ab dann sind  öffentliche Verwaltungen angehalten nur elektronische Rechnung zu akzeptieren. Das ZUGFeRD-Format ist eine XRechnung mit zusätzlicher PDF-Datei und ist gemäß Richtlinien. Das ZUGFeRD-Format ist ein hybrides Datenformat, dass in einem PDF-Dokument (PDF/A-3) Rechnungsdaten im XML-Format strukturiert. Rechnungen […]

Vacation Log

You can review all changes made to the vacation of a user on the vacation log which you find on the user settings:   You will see there any changes to the vacation days of that user and when these changes was made.

Vacation Overview Report

On zistemo you can review the vacation of your team/company. Go to Reporting/Attendance Report/Vacation Overview This report shows which user has has how many days of vacation already taken, remaining, planing and pending for approval. This is an overview at the time you review the report.