How to Delete the Time Records

You can simply delete the time records on the Time Tracking page by just the clicking cross button on the time entry line: BUT always keep in mind that you can delete a time entry ONLY if the status is Non-billable or Unbilled (in other words – not invoiced, not […]

Transactions for Multiple Invoices

zistemo allows you to create one transaction for several invoices. To do so, you should click on the ‘Create transaction’ button from your bank account page Then in the ‘Transaction type’ field, choose ‘Payment for an invoice’ and in the ‘Invoice payment’ field choose all the needed invoice payments: OR […]

What is a retainer?

Retainer creation Retainer Grid Pro Forma Retainer How to use the Retainer for paying an Invoice? Retainer statuses What is a retainer? A retainer is a fee paid in advance to someone, particularly a barrister, in order to secure their services for use when required – for instance, “he is […]

Retainer Invoice Statuses

Draft. This status appears if you click ‘Preview’ after you created a Retainer: Activated. A status which appears when you click ‘Activate and Send’ after you created a Retainer: Viewed – this status indicates the client has opened (viewed) your Retainer. Partial – the Retainer has been partially paid. Paid – […]

How to use the Retainer for Paying an Invoice?

1. How do I add a payment to a Retainer? 2. How to apply the Retainer Payment for paying an Invoice? 2.1 “Print always the amount due” on Invoices paid via Retainer 3. How to Delete a Retainer’s Payment? If you want to find out all the information on how […]

Pro Forma Retainer

If you create a Retainer without activating it, means you just save it as a draft, you have got yourself a ‘Pro-forma Retainer’. This invoice is only visible from account owners and administrator’s profiles. It isn’t displayed on ‘Retainers invoices list’ from the Client’s profile. In order to inform a […]

Retainer Grid

Retainer data – Grid Retainer Balance/Review Statement How do I find a Retainer? Bulk Actions Row end menu Retainer data – Grid You can see the Retainer Balance and all the main Retainer data for each client on the Retainers main grid. Information is displayed in the following columns: – […]

Retainer Creation

How to create a Retainer? Create a Retainer out of an Estimate Retainer data – description Why do you need a Retainer? The benefit of a Retainer is that the client pays in advance for products or services to be specified later. In other words, a Retainer is a payment […]

Default Tax on Expenses

Each of your expenses has a Tax field, as you can see below: By default, you should fill it manually but if in general, your expenses tax is the same like your default items tax (more here), then just mark the “Use the default tax on expenses” box in Settings […]

Search on the Clients and Projects pages

On the Clients list page and the Projects list page you can see the Search field: How does it work? You can quickly find a specific client or project by simply entering its name or a part of the name into the Search field and hit Enter. As you can […]

Hide the Menu Points

If you are an Account Owner or an Admin you can hide or switch on the visibility of any reports for your staff members (more here). Also, you can switch on or hide any menu points available for staff. Go to Contacts -> Staff -> open the line end menu of […]

Inventory Movements

Use this report if you want to track your stock items incoming and outgoing (Reporting -> Accounting Reports -> Inventory Movements).  Here you can filter information by date or by the items: and group data by the items or the users: In the report table you will see the actions’ […]

Multiple Items on Expenses

You can add more items to one expense. By default, the expense includes just one item but if you need more, just click ‘Add item’: On the expenses list, each item will be displayed in a separate line: If you mark an expense as billable and attach it to the client/project, […]

Estimate through the Project

You can create an estimate based on a project’s tasks. Just click “Create an Estimate” in the end menu of the project. This means your estimate will include active project’s tasks – tasks with logged hours in the timesheet. Therefore, in this estimate, you will see the task name, the […]

Browser Notifications on zistemo

If you are using the zistemo timer, then you will see a browser notification for each full hour logged. In case you don’t want to see it, you can simply block it in your browser settings: Or just follow the instructions as shown in the print screen below: The blue notifications we are […]

Generate Invoice on a Project (Invoice Wizard)

Generate Invoice by using Inovice Wizard Invoice Format Detailed time entries information (Timesheet Details Report) attached to Invoice Generate Invoice by using Inovice Wizard You can generate an invoice from all the timesheets related to one project or one client by simply using the Invoice Wizard. Just go to the […]

Expense Reimbursement

1. How to make expenses ‘Not Reimbursed’? 2. How to make expenses ‘Reimbursed’? 3. Mark several expenses as reimbursed Now you can control whether your expenses are reimbursed or not. For example, if staff members covered some business expenses from their own pocket and now are waiting to get a reimbursement […]

Template Editor: General info

Default Template Icons-buttons on a Template header Header icons – buttons on a Template Blocks If you go to the Templates Settings (Settings -> Stationery Templates), you will see this next page: On the “Shared” tab you have all the templates already created by zistemo – for your convenience, there are […]