If you’re facing a situation where one of your staff members has lost his 2FA login secret for Zistemo and needs to recover it, you’re in the right place.
No need to panic! Recovering your 2FA login secret is a fairly straightforward process.
What the account owner has to do
As an account owner, the first step is to go to the staff member profile who lost the 2FA secret.
Contacts -> Staff and then select the staff member.
Once there, you’ll find the lost secret code and the QR code at the bottom of the page.
Your next step is to copy it and send both to the staff member, who will create a new login in the Google Authentication app with the sent secret or QR code.
Avoid security leaks with the send QR Code
After the staff member has successfully logged in, it is important that he changes the secret/QR code to prevent possible phishing attempts. He has to go to the “User Menu”, which he can find at the top left with the user avatar icon, and select “My profile”.
Create a new secret code
It will find the secret code and QR code in the “Two-factor authentication” section.
Remove the current login in the Google Authenticator app.
Create a new secret code by clicking on “Change secret” and confirming to change it. Add the new login in the Google Authenticator app by scanning the QR code or manually inserting the secret code.
Make sure your new secret code works
Don’t forget to validate the code to make sure that Google Authenticator works with your secret.
With these simple steps, you and your staff member will be able to recover the lost 2FA login secret code quickly and safely.
Enjoy zistemo!