If you using a work time model with flextime, staff can have overtime. Staff could take time off to reduce overtime. In zistemo there are two options to do so. We’ll explain each option below:
1) Turn overtime into vacation
2) Use leave type for time off lieu/compensatory time off
Turn overtime into vacation
To turn overtime into vacation, go to staff’s profile to flextime settings.
Click on the pencil icon to edit current flextime hours:
Then, select “turn overtime into vacation” and change overtime hours to vacation days:
Learn more about how to turn overtime into vacation →
Recommended when staff has many overtime hours and you need to take action to reduce it.
Compensatory Time Off
To create a leave type for compensatory time off/time off lieu (TOIL) is a more flexible way to reduce overtime. The idea is that staff add this leave as absence to their absence calendar, so everyone know they’ll away for e.g. afternoon (so nobody schedules a meeting). The flextime balance will be calculated automatically because the staff just don’t add attendance time and the working plan is not fullfilled. Let’s go through it step by step.
Add a new leave reason to the attendance time template. You can name it whatever you want, we’ll recommend to use a meaningful name like “compensatory time off” or “time off lieu” so your colleagues knows what this leave type is about. Next, make sure you set up that this leave type subtracts time from the flex time balance:
Pro tipp: If you want to approve compensatory time off (for your workforce planning) you can activate approval for that leave type.
Learn more about leave type management →
So, if staff want to reduce their overtime by taking time off on e.g. Friday afternoon they can create an absence with this new leave type (more here →), so everyone know the person’s not available – could be the supervisor need to approve it, depends on how you set up the leave type. After that, you don’t need to concern anything, the system automatically calculates the flextime hours.
How the flextime balance will be calculated
Let’s say flextime balance is +16:00 hours.
You want to take compensatory time off on Friday afternoon, so it’s half day.
Working plan for the whole day is 8:00 hours but you only record 4:00 hours.
Flextime balance for the day is -4:00 hours (8:00 – 4:00)
Overall flextime hours is 12:00 hours (16:00 – 4:00 hours)