Checklists help to keep track of tasks, ensuring that nothing is forgotten or overlooked. This is particularly useful in busy or complex situations. Also, they help you focus on what needs to be done, reducing time spent on figuring out what’s next. Checklists are versatile tools that can enhance productivity, reduce errors, improve organization, and help you achieve your goals effectively. They provide a simple and practical way to manage tasks and responsibilities. Checklists can be used as subtasks to a task/card.
Add checklist to a task
You can add multiple checklists to a task by click on “Add checklist”. Each project member can add checklists to a task, no matter what role they have.
Working with checklists
Each checklist item can be assigned to one person of the project.
Also, checklist items can be converted to a new task/card and can be deleted.
On the checklist itself you can hide items that are completed.
On the checklist’s progress bar you can see how many percentage of the checklist items are complete.