If you set an hours budget for your project (Total Project Hours, Hours per Staff, Hours per Task – more about Project Budget here), you can easily track how much time is spent on this Project.
You can see this information on the Project Dashboard:
– Budget
Shows the number of hours you have set as a budget on the Edit Project page:
– Total Hours
Displays how many hours are spent by all project members.
– Person Days
Time spent on this Project in Person Days:
Person Days = Total Hours/Person Day (hours)
For example:
Personal Days=9 hours/8 hours = 1.13 days

– Remaining Hours
Budget minus Total Hours (spent hours) = 50 – 9 = 41 hours
– Remaining Days
Remaining Hours/Person Day(hours) = 41/8 = 5.13 days.
How can I set hours in one Person Day
You can set how many hours should one Person Day have for your business by entering the number yourself in Settings -> Preferences, as shown below: